Kiwi Tales

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Andrew's discovered the world!

Andrew got back from the snow tonight. He's then out all nigth tomorrow in Wellington going clubbing with his mates! He's discovered the big wide world....

The pictures are of Andrew at Hanmer by the bridge where he bungy jumped, him ice skating(first time) and Phil and Andrew at the airport just before he came back from Christchurch.

The other photo is when he was up the mountain yesterday with the snow man he and his mate made


  • Oh, skating for the first time. What fun!! I haven't been ice skating for around 10 years now. Don't know if I could still do it, though my kids love it!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:03 pm  

  • Wow - snow! Is springtime coming to your part of the world yet?

    By Blogger Tati, at 5:37 pm  

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