Such a long week!

The week always seems so long when I work six days and then have to have the pager and diary for the rest of the weekend. That means I really only get Monday off. The weather's been pretty wet, it's caused problems through out NZ over the last few weeks. I can't wait until summer!
Here are some pxts- one is of the sculpture in our local shopping centre, and the other is of my granddaughter Anahera. It was her 9th birthday this past week, so we had some girlie time and a friend did her finger nails, put her hair up and put some silver glitter in it, and put on just a little bit of makeup. I think she enjoyed it and I kow my friend did, she hasn't got a daughter and says she wants to borrow Anahera and do it again sometime!
Anahera looks soo much like my daughter Kathryn when she was this age in this photo
That kinda sucks to be working so mych and not get a few days off. Next week will be better? What an interesting sculpture to have in a shopping center and I bet your granddaughter was excited to be "done up" for her birthday. I know my daughter would love to do that for sure!
momsmusings, at 2:02 am
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