The summer continues

The weather has been so good this summer, mostly sunny and warm, good beach weather- good flying weather LOL.
Yes, I had another flying lesson again today, still revising, but it's going better than I thought it would. This instructor today had me flying over the hills behind where we live, it was just so beautiful- I tried to take it all in- the hills, the bush, blue sky etc, but I was busy trying to fly the plane too LOL so missed seeing all I wanted to. This picture is of the island we flew around last week.

These are the hills- they're very pretty, quite forbidding, and trampers are frequently caught out by weather changeds when tramping here- some lives are lost every year. Much better to fly over them!
What a beautiful landscape! Everything one hears about New Zealand is breathtaking, really.
I am soooo envious of your summer - our winter just doesn't want to go away and we have had ice and snow for what seems like months by now. Sigh.
Tati, at 7:22 pm
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