At Last a flight!!

At last after 9 months I had a flight- in a Piper Super Cub like this one. It's a lovely plane. The one at our Aero Club is the same age as me- "born" in 1953 lol. Simon, who was my instructor when I was having lessons, flew me.
It's the last flight with Simon as he moves in a week or two, and possibly I won't get to fly in the Cub again either. We had a magic flight! Simon sneaked in the second control stick into the back and once we were at about 1800ft he gave me control. It was hard to fly from the back, as I had to keep looking around Simon's head! He had it trimmed exactly though and the Cub is so well balanced it practically flies itself.
We flew over a low range of hills, and over the picturesque Reikorangi valley at the back of the town where I live, then over another valley which is completely bush covered and has no road access apart from the odd 4WD track. Simon pointed out a cabin in the bush to me, and took control, next I knew we were circling around it at about a 60 degree angle- great fun! The wing was pointing straight down at the ground! He did a couple of wingovers as well. Then I flew it again until we passed the valley and were back to cultivated land when Simon again took control and we did a low pass along a small grass airstrip. Then I had another fly, he made me do a 360 degree turn (not a sharp one) and I flew back until the beginning of downwind when Simon again took over because there was a lot of traffic with gliders, helicopters and other small aircraft about. I had a big smile on my face for a while after!
I will miss Simon, as he was the one who took me not only for lessons but for other flights like this as well. There's no one I know of who will now do that for me.
Then I went to Kathryn's and took Anahera to one of the local churches for their Youth Service as Ben Lummis, NZ Idol winner from last year, was visiting. He had a band called the Pacifics also playing and they were GOOD! Hip Hop, Reggae, Rap etc. Really talented. Ben Lummis sang the song that won him N Z Idol, and talked a bit. Anahera loved it, she met up with one of her friends there and they were down the front with heaps of others to dance! The Church was packed, standing room only. I've only been to that Church a couple of times before but it always is pretty full and alive. I used to go to Church every week but haven't for a few years now.
I got most of the things done last night and this morning I needed to do- cleaning, washing, ironing etc- except the lounge floor still needs vacuuming!
Hope your week is a good one!
Flying sounds like SUCH fun! I've only had the pleasure of trying to fly planes on computer simulators.
Tati, at 7:09 pm
Hi Karen- I was trying to post a comment to your blog but blogger wouldn't let me! Look forward to seeing pics of your sweater! Flying is a lot of fun. I've been lucky in that last year I was able to take a flight in a Tiger Moth and experience Aerobatics too.
kiwiruth, at 9:04 pm
You've done aerobatics in an airplane???!! Wow. Impressive!
I've posted a link to my pancake soup recipe - let me know if you give it a try!
Tati, at 10:24 pm
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