Sunday and the weather was great! Sarah was coming home with baby from the maternity hospital today so Kathryn and I weren't able to go and visit her. Instaead we took the girls to the beach. Anahera and I climbed this rock - it wasn't very high, maybe only about 5-6 metres. Had a lot of fun though!

We scrambled around the rocks looking in all the rock pools. We collected shells, saw seaweed and a few cockabullies.

However we were after these- crabs! I showed the girls how to catch them without being nipped! I caught 4 so they could have a good look at them, before we put them back in the rock pools.
Then we went back to their place and the girls showed off their talent with SingStar - oops picture loaded at the top- I have yet to figure how to move them!!
I was on call the whole time and was trying to deal with sorting out a major sewage/drainage flood affecting 3 flats. It was a little tricky as every few minutes I was answering the cell phone or calling out. I'm still on call tonight and tomorrow. We're hoping to see baby Yana tomorrow...
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