
Here's a couple more pxts. They're not great. I'd forgotten that delivery room lighting is muted for a newborn, and my pxt phone doesn't cope with low light. I hadn't taken my camera as Kathryn and I weren't expecting Sarah to deliver while we were there! Tim (eldest son) hadn't been very good at keeping us updated after Sarah was induced on Tuesday morning. Tuesday night I hardly slept as I was expecting the phone to ring. I did get a couple of brief updates after phoning Sarah's parents, but then NOTHING after Wednesday 11am.
Kathryn and I decided after we'd finished work and had tea on Wednesday evening to go over to the Maternity Hospital anyway. It's an hour's drive and I did text Tim to say we were on the way. We'd just pulled up near the hospital when he phoned to say Sarah was ready to push! We got up to the ward and found the waiting lounge, and had a coffee, and at last Sarah's dad found us and we got to go in. Little Yana had been born just 20 minutes before. She weighed in at 6lbs 7ozs and she looks SO much like Tim did when he was born. I'm pretty sure she will have ginger hair and grey eyes like him. Sarah looked pretty good although sh'e had to have an epidural. It was a long labour! Sarah's parents had been in for the delivery, and her brother came up a bit later. I gave Sarah and Tim the little baby cardy I'd knitted, the colour will suit her. It was so exciting to see her and hold her. We stayed for an hour and a half. Yana is a Hebrew name I think it means God Hears. Sarah and Tim had had 3 miscarriages before this. Yana's middle name is Asher. Unusual aye!
So yay, I'm grandma again. Sarah can stay in hospital for a few days to help establish breast feeding. Kath and I will go over and see her on Sunday. It's a nuisance that I'm working tomorrow (Saturday) and on call the whole weekend, it will be difficult to travel there if I get many calls.
This evening on call has been busy, we've had several flood emergencies so far. I work for a carpet cleaning company and we are 24/7 so I have to man the phone and liaise with technicians, clients, insurance companies etc while I'm on call. Sometimes it can be quiet, other times pretty busy. At least, apart from tomorrow, I can be at home.
She is gorgeous! Hope you get to spend lots of time with her soon!
Tati, at 10:09 pm
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