Kiwi Tales

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Kaya's 5

Well I had all these pxts to upload, and blogger wouldn't upload them! There was one of Kaya when I was having my hair done at the salon, and she was pretending to be a hairdresser with one of the "dolls" heads. There was one of my new "hairdo" and one of me sitting next to Ronald McDonald!
Kaya turned 5 yesterday and she starts school tomorrow. In NZ, almost all children start school on their 5th birthday although it's not compulsory until the age of 6. Tahi and Kathryn hired a bouncy castle- and I had a pxt of that too- and Kaya and all the other children had a ball. Andrew and I are going to see her on her first day of school, we'll go to her classroom. Only allowed to stay there 15 minutes though!
I had a flight today- it was absolutely magic. One of the part time guys at work has just got his Private Pilots Licence and is training for his Commercial, and he took me up for a local one hour flight- for free! It was a westerly so it meant it got bumpy at times, which I love. we flew up to Levin and then back along the coast.


  • Oh, I don't like the bumps at all . . . you must be braver than me.

    Ben O.

    By Blogger Ben O., at 7:17 pm  

  • Hi Ben

    I guess I may be a bit crazy! I've had 4 aerobatic flights, 2 in an aerobat Cessna and 2 in a Tiger Moth- as long as I have complete confidence in the pilot who's flying me I'm quite happy - I HATE spins though

    By Blogger kiwiruth, at 9:18 pm  

  • That sounds like such fun!
    Too bad we couldn't see the pictures!

    By Blogger Tati, at 10:59 pm  

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