A couple of weekends ago Kathryn, Anahera and Kaya and I went to the seaside town of Eastbourne, where I used to live when I was a kid. It's on the other side of the harbour from Wellington. It was good to show them the places I remembered. Kaya is on the wharf here, we'd been looking a heaps of little fish in the water. I wish we'd had a fishing line with us. We also went looking for shells and rock climbing ( it was only a small rock!)

I discovered this mansion when I walking the streets of my town yesterday after work. It's huge by our town's standards! Apparently Peter Jackson used it in one of his early movies, "The Frighteners"

On another day I went walking down by the river and in the middle of nowhere found this little door hinged to a tree! Although you can't see it, it had little heart stickers on it. What do you suppose was behind the door?

Why, Tigger and Winnie the Pooh! Random aye!
Nice pictures!
The door in that tree ist just awesome - I can't believe you've discovered Winnie-the-Pooh :-)
Tati, at 5:27 pm
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