Kiwi Tales

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

101 things

On i came across this- 101 things to do, learn, accomplish, experience etc in 1001 days. Sounds like a bit of fun and I've decided I might try it too. I'm just starting to work out a list, it's quite hard to think of so many things that I would have a chance of actually completing!

Just a few of the ideas - learn to ride a motor scooter (although Andrew is possibly wanting to buy a 250cc or less motorbike and he wants me to try and do a basic handling course), experience a winch launch in a glider, learn to make sushi, try and read the New Testament of the Bible through, take part in a 5km fun walk/run.... and that's it so far. I have to be careful to try and choose things that I can afford to do too. When I have a list I'll try and publish it.

We've beene xperiencing thunder storms today, which is unusual for here, we sometimes go almost a year without one, and this one has lasted 2 1/2 hrs. Not good for the rain and possible flooding we might get!


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