Another week has gone

Here is a pxt of Yana taken on Saturday at her 1st birthday party. Tim and Sarah had about 60 people there! They held it at their church hall and there was loads of food. Yana got loads of presents too! I took Andrew, Anahera and Kaya to it.
It's been a 3 day holiday weekend this time and the weather has been wet, cloudy and quite cold- the WHOLE time. Forecast is rain for tomorrow as well. I tend to go stir crazy if I'm inside for too long. I did go out yesterday for a short walk in the rain because I'd had enough of being inside. I'm on call today (Public Holiday) as I need some spending money when I go down to Christchurch for a few days in a couple of weeks.
Well, the lease is definitely not being renewed on this house. I'm quite sad as I really like this place, it's so sunny and light (when there is sun lol) and I like being near the sea. So, it looks like I will have to move into the place that Tim and Sarah are buying. I'm really sorry to say I will be moving there rather reluctantly.
I am taking the new job, I start on 8 January. It will be hard work, but there may be some flexibility in it- if I work longer hours one week I could work shorter the next hopefully.
Here's hoping the spring weather will settle down soon- before I suffer too much from sun deprivation lol!