Kiwi Tales

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Away for a bit

Well, Kathryn had day surgery today to have a tugal ligation and a mole removed- they didn't stitch the site where the mole was removed from properly poor Kathryn was bleeding too much and had to go back in and be stitched up again. She should be just about home now. As long as she is OK, I'm still hoping to be able to go down the Christchurch tomorrow and stay with Phil and Magenta for a few days. The tickets were booked about 3-4 months ago. I just hope I can physically cope with it, I'm still pretty sore. Anyways, I won't be back online until about Thursday next week. See you then!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Scarves done

I've finally finished the scarves! Yay- and I had a pxt to post, but again even using Andrew's computer blogger will no longer upload. Nothing has changed on this one as far as I am aware, and the only change to my computer was installing Java, so I have no idea still why I can't upload pxts anymore. Makes for boring posts doesn't it, with no photos! I'll wrap the scarves and hopefully get them sent next week.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Still sore

I'm still very sore, went back to the Dr today and he's given me another week off work. He also referred me for physio. I can't manage to bend far enough to put my shoes and socks on, so Andrew has to do it- he's been very good, but I'm sure he gets rather impatient! We are living on pies and microwave meals.

Just heard from the insurance company, my car is being written off. I have to pay the finance company back the balance of money I owe on it, I'm hoping I will have enough left to buy another car. I want one with airbags now!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

i'm alive

quick post-had a car accident two days ago and spent night in hospital. hit a car that did a u-turn in front of me. hit my chest on steering wheel (and i was wearing seat belt)and got heaps of bruising and whiplash. glad i'm alive! post later

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Got me beat

Any one got any suggestions- I know so little about the web and computer stuff. After having no problems in uploading photos, I now can't. I've tried using Firefox instead of Explorer but that didn't work. It says something about blocking popups- I don't usually have pop-ups so don't think it's that. Anyone got any reasons why I all of a sudden can't upload photos??

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Kaya's 5

Well I had all these pxts to upload, and blogger wouldn't upload them! There was one of Kaya when I was having my hair done at the salon, and she was pretending to be a hairdresser with one of the "dolls" heads. There was one of my new "hairdo" and one of me sitting next to Ronald McDonald!
Kaya turned 5 yesterday and she starts school tomorrow. In NZ, almost all children start school on their 5th birthday although it's not compulsory until the age of 6. Tahi and Kathryn hired a bouncy castle- and I had a pxt of that too- and Kaya and all the other children had a ball. Andrew and I are going to see her on her first day of school, we'll go to her classroom. Only allowed to stay there 15 minutes though!
I had a flight today- it was absolutely magic. One of the part time guys at work has just got his Private Pilots Licence and is training for his Commercial, and he took me up for a local one hour flight- for free! It was a westerly so it meant it got bumpy at times, which I love. we flew up to Levin and then back along the coast.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another year older!

Well I've had another birthday! It was at the weekend and I had a good day. On Saturday night we had fireworks to celebrate Guy Fawkes day- however, because Guy Fawkes is the day before my birthday, even as a child I've always associated it with part of MY birthday celebrations. Then on Sunday, Kathryn permed and coloured my hair (hold the sheep, poodle and electric shock jokes lol) and I shouted her and the girls to lunch at McDonalds. I'll post some pxts next time. Andrew and I had birthday cake and strawberries - yum! I got some clothes, some scorched almonds, a lovely little bag, a new backpack, and Top Gun DVD. Top Gun- my favourite movie! My son Phil bought it for me, as he knew I wanted to go flying and I didn't have the money to do so, so it was the next best thing lol.
Work has been very busy this week and I'm on call again tonight. I'm getting a lot of hay fever this year too, generally at night which means I don't get enough sleep...
Ah well, only 2-3 weeks till I'm on leave, yay! I can catch up on sleep then.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Baby baby

Well it's been an eventful week for Tim and Sarah. Little Yana ended up back in hospital for a couple of days. Sarah was having difficulty in feeding and Yana was losing weight and getting dehydrated. They've put a nasogastric tube in, but she is doing fine now, and has gained past her birth weight at last. Sarah isn't actually using the tube now as Yana is getting enough sustenance from a mixture of breast and bottle with expressed breast milk. I was a little hard on them when I saw them last weekend (I must remember they are new parents and I have had four....) as none of us including her parents who live nearby realised what was happening, so I have had to try and set things right and apologise to Sarah this week.
Work has been really busy too, I've been going into work an hour early each morning. I'm sooo glad it's Friday.
Guy Fawkes Day tomorrow, I haven't got any fireworks, but I can hear some going off outside the window right now.
Have a good weekend everyone!